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Storage, images & assets

The /public folder in Beets PHP contains files that should be accessible for the user, like our views and assets like images. We have three folders that contians these assets:

  • /storage
  • /images
  • /assets


The storage folder is located in ~/public and contains all of the files uploaded through your application. One example is user profile pictures that the users can upload from the Profile page.

To get a file from within the storage folder, we can use the storage() helper function. Pass the file name as a string:

<div class="profile-image__container">
    <img src="<?= storage('user-image.jpg') ?>" class="profile-image">                                  

If we need to access the storage folder within our code, we can use the STORAGE constant:

echo STORAGE; // $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . APP_FOLDER . '/public/storage'


The images folder is located in ~/public and contains images that the application uses, like logos and graphics.

To get a file from within the images folder, we can use the image() helper function. Pass the file name as a string:

<div class="header__logo">
    <img src="<?= image('beets_col_250x744.png') ?>">

If we need to access the images folder within our code, we can use the IMAGES constant:

echo IMAGES; // $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . APP_FOLDER . '/public/images'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?= IMAGES ?>/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">


The assets folder is located in ~/public and contains the compiled CSS files and JavaScript files.

To get a file from within the assets folder, we can use the ASSETS constant and concatinate the css or js folder followed by the file name, but more convenient is to use the CSS or JAVASCRIPT constants that include the whole path to that directory.

echo ASSETS; // $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . APP_FOLDER . '/public/assets'

echo CSS; // $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . APP_FOLDER . '/public/assets/css'
echo JAVASCRIPT; // $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . APP_FOLDER . '/public/assets/js'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src="<?= JAVASCRIPT ?>/beets-layout.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?= CSS ?>/app.css">