Custom functions
If you want to add our own custom functions you can use the file functions.php
that is located in the /src/App/Helpers/
folder. We separate the core app functions and the custom user functions for safety reasons.
This file is automatically included via the autoloader.
Below are some examples of functions that you might want to put here.
Access array in data.php
If you have added an array with static data that should be used across the app, you might want to build a function to easily access it:
$lookup = [
0 => 'zero',
1 => 'one',
2 => 'two'
function lookup($input = null)
require APP_ROOT . '/config/data.php';
return $lookupTable[$input] ?: "No input submitted";
echo lookup(1); // one
echo lookup(); // No input submitted
Convert checkbox state
function checkboxState($input)
return $input === 1 ? "checked" : null;
$state = checboxState(1); // Value 1 can come from a db
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" $state>"; // <input type="checkbox checked">