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Compiled CSS files

  1. Download and unzip the compiled version of Beets Layout:
  2. Include beets-layout.css and beets-layout.js in the <head></head> section of your projects index file.
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/assets/css/beets-layout.css">
    <script src="~/assets/js/beets-layout.js"></script>

Source files

  1. Download and unzip the source files:
  2. Move the folders scss/beets-layout and js/beets-layout to your resource folder in your project (from where you compile your resources, i.e. ~/resources/). You could @include the file beets-layout/beets-layout.scss in your main app.scss file.
  3. Compile beets-layout.scss and beets-layout.js into you public assets folder (i.e. ~/public/assets/).