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Getting started


First of all, you need to have Bootstrap installed and working on your site. Please refer to the Bootstrap documentation for how to install Bootstrap. Beets CSS 2.0 is developed using Bootstrap version 5.2.2 so make sure you have at least that version installed.

Beets CSS

For the latest version of Beets CSS, plese see the GitHub Releases page.

Source CSS files

If you want to make tweeks or changes to Beets CSS and mabye add a custom color scheme, you can use the soure SCSS files and compile Beets CSS yourself. There is not much "magic" going on so any sass compiler should do the trick. Beets CSS is developed using Webpack, Autoprefixer and PostCSS.

Pre-compiled CSS file

If you just want the out-of-the-box Beets CSS you can download the pre-compiled CSS file and add beets-css.css to your <head> tag like you normally would.